Monday, 12 September 2011

Article On Social Media And The London Riots

Twitter was slightly more indicative: tweets about an attempt to target Sunday's Hackney Carnival were spotted by police and the event was abruptly cancelled.

- However, the most powerful and up-to-the-minute rallying appears to have taken place on a more covert social network: Blackberry Messenger (BBM)

And unlike Twitter or Facebook, many BBM messages are untraceable by the authorities (which is why, in large part, BBM is so favoured by emirate teens to spread illicit gossip about officialdom).

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Summer Work.

The text I have decided to choose to analyse over the summer is "Wedding Crashers". This is a comedy movie and it is based around two men taking advantage of women throughout the entire movie.

Media Representations
    In this film, both men and women are being represented. However both are being represented in a different way. as you can see when you watch the film, the two main characters are the men and they are being represented as the more dominant characters as they go to random weddings and take advantage of girls. This makes the girls be seen as alternative and not that important and when you watch the film its almost as if they they are stereotyped as "sex objects" or "toys" because the men just have sex with them and then shut them out of their lives. the stereotypes are not fair or accurate at all in this movie as throughout the film it shows men taking advantage of women. There is only short glimpses of romance which would represent both men and women as being on the same level of representation.

Media Languages/Forms
    This film is a very rich Hollywood movie and lots of money was spent putting this movie together. As you can see if you watch it, it has bright colours, rich equipment and the venues in the film are all off a upper class movie. The use of music and sounds in the movie all related to the genre of the film which was a comedy/romance, it made the film funnier and better on a whole and the film was funny the whole way through. Most camera shots were medium shots throughout the whole movie. However the use of long shots was used in some parts of the movie and it looked very effective. The acting in the movie was very sophisticated and classy and the characters played their roles really effectively as shown if you watch the movie.

    The narrative in this movie has a standard equilibrium, dis-equilibrium and a new equilibrium. the equilbium is that, these two me go out crashing weddings and using girls and sleeping with them giving them fake identification about who they are. The dis-equilibrium is that they get found out for what they do (crash weddings) and the new equilibrium is when they resolve all there problems and fall in love and get married, which is a typical Hollywood film. The narrative is easy to follow if you are watching as an audience and you can tell what is happening at all times in the film, it is very simple ad easy to follow, which makes it very relaxing and funny to watch. The role of such features as sound, music, iconography, genre, mise-en-scene, editing etc within the narrative is to make the film more exciting and helps make you understand the narrative better.

    The genre of this film is a comedy/romance film. It is very easy to understand and follow the genre throughout the movie, as it it funny throughout and has some romance towards the end of the movie. The audience expectation are fulfilled to a great extent in this movie as it says its a comedy/romance and that is exactly what you get when you watch the film, it is hilarious throughout and has glimpses of romance throughout the movie. The movie was directed very well in assosation with genre, everything seemed to work perfectly and it is a very successful movie. I think when you watch this movie you can say to a certain extent that the actors are very determined as shown if you watch the movie, they play their parts well and fit in well with the characters they had to act out.

Media Institutions
    The text (Wedding Crashers) would have influenced or shaped up people in many different ways. Firstly, the institution who produced this movie was Hollywood, and that is a very influential institution alone, lots of people love and look up to Hollywood movies. Secondly, the actors playing a part in this movie are already very famous for previous big money-making movie. This source is a public service meaning it is aimed at anyone and everyone to watch it. This text (Wedding Crashers) has been distributed. It has been distributed as an influential movie but also been distributed as an entertainment product which you can watch several times.

Media Values And Ideology
    The major values, ideologies and assumptions that this film produces are influential purposes and also entertainment purposes. When you watch this film it can influence you to be yourself and not try to be like anyone else. Also when you watch this film it makes you laugh the whole way through and it is a kind of movie you can watch over and over again. It can tell you to be confident and believe in what you want and you could achieve it.

Media Audiences
    This text consists of both women and men, so I think the target audience it is aimed at is a mixed group of both men ad women aged between 16-25. I think that this age group will enjoy the movie because an age younger than 16 wouldn't really understand the narrative and would find it boring and an age over 25 might be told old to watch it and would find it rather pointless and boring to watch. The probable and possible readings  audience readings of this text are probably that its a movie that consists of comedy and hints of romance and at times is a little crazy. As an audience member, personally I read and evaluated this text in that I thought it was funny throughout, it has good characters, mise-en-scene worked well, the characters played their parts perfectly, it was hilarious at times, it was slightly romantic and its a very influential film on a whole. In a way my text that I chose is influenced by my age, gender and background because lots of people my age would watch this and say the same things I would say about it, it has got some sexual scenes so boys my age would say the same things I would say about it aswell. However in my opinion I think lots of different age groups would enjoy this movie and both genders would comment similar things.